All Is Set For The Grand Finale of 2020 Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP) Science Olympiad In Accra


All Is Set For The Grand Finale of 2020 Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP) Science Olympiad In Accra

The stage is now set for twenty (20) schools to compete at the grand finale of the 3rd edition of the 2020 Science Olympiad.

This competition involves 231 senior high schools under the Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP) throughout the country.

The 2020 Olympiad had successfully undergone two zones preliminary competitions held at Sunyani and Tamale respectively.

At Sunyani, there were 127 schools with 254 contestants from nine (9) regions within the Southern enclave, the northern sector had 104 schools representing with 208 participants who competed in three (3) sessions of drills of test. The tests centered on a 3-hour practical core science drills that covered;

Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agriculture Science.

The contestants on the second day wrote a one and half hour 40 questions objective text that covered topics in all the sciences including mathematics. The contestants ended with a three-hour theory test in the Integrated Science subjects.

The scripts were marked and scored by the experienced resource persons deployed for the Olympiad.

From the Southern Zone, the following ten schools qualified for the grand finale in Accra;

  1. Wesley Grammar shs
  2. Techiman shs
  3. Mpraeso shs
  4. Swedru shs
  5. Klikor shs
  6. Nsaba shs
  7. Breman Asikuma shs
  8. Labone shs
  9. Apam shs
  10. Twifo Praso

Same drills were conducted for the Northern Sector Zone that comprised 105 schools with 210 participants.

The following schools also qualified from Tamale.

  1. Armed Force shs
  2. Adu Gyamfi shs

3.Nkwanta Com. Shs

  1. Kumasi SHTS
  2. Agona SDA shs
  3. Dwamena Akenteng shs
  4. Osei Kyeretwie shs
  5. New Edubease shs
  6. St. Jerome shs
  7. Dompoase shs

The 20 schools with 40 contestants are expected in Accra, Monday 23rd November as they locked horns to claim the ultimate prize.

According to the Director at the Science Education Unit, Headquarters, GES, Mrs Olivia Serwaa Opare, this Olympiad is couched in the image of the international competition in the practical sciences that has been copied to improve competitive learning and the teaching of the sciences.

“I prayed this competition is opened to all second cycle schools in the country as it a very interesting learning engagements for participants”, Mrs Opare suggested.


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